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Hypnotherapy Workshops, Group & Individual Sessions

Individual Hypnotherapy Session
This session includes “therapy” tailored to you specifically. You’ll be asked to fill out a confidential questionnaire prior to the Retreat, so that our expert Clinical Hypnotherapist can gain an understanding of your personal “story” & “battles” to help you better deal with and navigate the challenges that life has presented you with.
They often life changing session is designed to also...
Improve your Confidence & Self Esteem
Diminish any Anxiety, Stress, or Overthinking
Skyrocket your Positivity, Enthusiasm & Optimism
Increase your Resilience & Ability to Cope
Enhance your Concentration, Focus & Memory
Raise Motivation & Energy Levels; and
Help you to become MUCH Calmer & more Relaxed!
Individual Session

Hypnotherapy Workshops

From the comfort of the Presidential Boardroom, with sweeping views of the Indian Ocean, our Hypnotherapy Workshops will focus on...
Introduction to the Healing Power of Hypnotherapy & the Subconscious Mind
The Power of the Subconscious Mind - and why your Subconscious Mind Sabotages your Mental Health, Physical Body & Emotional Wellbeing
HypnoLite™ Nutrition: A New Way to DO Food - How to Eat to Lose & Maintain Your Weight & Health
Healthy Lifestyle - Identifying the Negative Aspects of your Lifestyle to make way for more Positive Change
HypnoLite™ Hypnotic Gastric Band - How the Hypnotic Procedure Works & What to Expect After
Self-Hypnosis for Continued Healing & Healthy Living
Group Hypnotherapy Sessions
From the comfort of the Presidential Lounge, with sweeping views of the Indian Ocean, and a relaxed atmosphere, our Group Hypnotherapy Sessions will focus on...
Experience Hypnosis & Improve Sleep to aid your Weight Loss Journey
HypnoLite™ Weight Loss Session One: Implanting Healthy Eating Habits & Suggestions into your Subconscious Mind
HypnoLite™ Weight Loss Session Two: The Hypnotic Gastric Band Procedure - your mind will genuinely believe that your stomach has been shrunk to the size of a golf ball!
HypnoLite™ Weight Loss Session Three: Reinforcement & Confidence to Stay on your Journey of Personal Change; Positive Body Image; & Increasing Your Motivation – (especially to exercise)!​
A Healthier Mind - a Powerful Technique in Hypnosis to help Reduce Anxiety & Stress Levels Immediately!
Letting Go of Negative Emotions, Events or Memories that are Holding you Back in Your Weight Loss Journey and in Life
Group Sessions

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